Some companies are ones that operate transparently thus inducing confidence in customers
Nov/16/2021 21:07:09

Australia is a large country with little population compared to its area. People would buy large plots of land and build their homes on that plot with mainly timber as timber is plentiful in Australia relating to its population. With increasing population of cities, increasingly there are families and individuals who are opting for living in strata buildings with shared ownership of properties. There are things like car parking that have to be managed by strata managers working in cohorts with strata committee members. There are meetings with strata committee members who are eager to make residents lives safer and comfortable. Strata managers are ones who upload all the invoices for their awarded works to their website for everyone to see and audit if they feel the need for that. There are funds maintained by strata managers for repairs of strata buildings like taking care of civil works and repairs of some areas in buildings that are common property. Strata managers are ones with power granted to collect levies and other funds from strata title owners and then give that to different entities like insurance companies and government. Work of strata mangers is called as strata management services Sydney wide and in all of Australia.
Posted by Anonymous