Do curtains & blinds double the home value?
Feb/18/2022 15:11:12

For the best home improvement solutions, blinds and curtains go perfect together. Although, both shading system has a similar purpose they are different in the terms of styling and capacity. Let’s see how they provide double benefits to the home!
Blinds are strong, hard, and robust. They are made with large movable slats of metal, vinyl, plastic, wood, polyester, etc. Whereas, curtains are delicate and soft window furnishings. They are made with cotton, silk, satin, net, wool, and other soft cloths.
• The main purpose of blinds and curtains is to deliver a definite light control and shade solution.
• Also, they are used as one of the popular and innovative home décor ideas.
When a curtain is installed with the blinds on the windows, they work together to provide an ultimate solution of:
1. Filtering or blocking the harsh and excess sunlight.
2. Block the prying glares from outside.
3. Ensuring better ventilation when the blinds are open with partial privacy.
4. Complete privacy during nighttime.
5. Prevent multiple climatic hazards such as wind, dust, rain, etc.
6. Insulate as much as heat to save energy costs.
7. Balance a weather-friendly atmosphere inside houses.
8. Double the aesthetic décor and renovation
9. Block the way of mosquitos, pests, insects, and wild creatures
10. Curtains & blinds are child-safe and pet-safe
Moreover, curtains and blinds can be purchased at a reasonable price with premium quality and customization facilities.
Posted by Anonymous